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Extended Poster LaTeX class

Extended Poster LaTeX class

This is a LaTeX class to easily poster creation on various paper size.







%% Parametre du poster



%% Visualisation
%xdvi -s 30 -paper 160cmx120cm poster.dvi

%% Titre
   \framebox{\textsc{\Huge Fractionally spaced blind equalization: CMA versus Second Order based methods.}} \\
   by Ph. Loubaton, Ph. Ciblat and L. Mazet

%% Macros

\providecommand{\heading}[1]{$\space$\\[-0.9ex] \centerline{\textbf{\large #1}}}
\providecommand{\context}[1]{$\space$\\[-0.6ex] \textbf{#1}}



%% Colonne 1
%% Colonne 2
%% Colonne 3
%% Colonne 4

%% Thanks
  \hrule height0.1pt width0.32\linewidth\smallskip%
  \textit{This work has been carried out in the framework of xxx project.}




PosterX 1.2 (Fri 03 Oct 2014)

PosterX 1.1 (Thu 06 May 2006)

PosterX 1.0 (Sun 04 Jul 1999)

Page créee/modifié le 7 octobre 2014.

Envoyez tout commentaire à Laurent Mazet

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